Seniors Are Awesome,

Amazing & Full Of Life

We promote healthy and active living to improve the quality of life

What Do We Do?

we provide non-medical in home care for seniors and handicapped 

FAQ: What is non-Medical Home Care?


Home care is a general term representing a wide range of community-based services, from supporting someone who is recuperating from an acute situation, such as a hip fracture, to a chronic condition, such as Alzheimer’s disease Cerebral Palsy.

Non-medical home care often revolves around activities of daily living (ADLs) and the instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). ADLs are basic activities and functions performed on a daily basis. Common ADLs include feeding, bathing, toileting, dressing, grooming, homemaking, walking, and transferring. For each ADL, people can vary from needing just a little help to full dependency, which requires others to do the task.

On the other hand, IADLs are activities instrumental to our daily routines requiring complex thinking skills such as managing communication, managing medications, home maintenance, shopping and meal preparation, managing transportation, and managing finances.

Why Choose Us?

Our vetted home care providers help to empower your well being and:

√ We are local
√ You choose your caregiver
√ Bi-lingual in Spanish & Armenian
√ Choose the services you want
√ Fair pricing
√ 24/7 Services available
√ Referals to other services 
√ Human-powered customer service

Maintain your quality of life. You are capable, worthy, strong and have a lot of life in you. You have the ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function throughout life and in response to experience which is called Neuroplasticity. Despite age-related decrements in sensorimotor adaptation, older adults are able to generalize adaptive improvements to new modes of movement. There is also evidence that older adults can learn to learn new motor skills” (Seidler R. D., 2007).

Our Services

Pick your plan al-a-cart to suit you needs and budget

Personal Care

When mobility is an issue or not, our caregivers will help you with your personal items.

Caregiving Services


Transportation & Running Errands

Got things to do? Let us help you with all your errands and running around.  We will drive you to your appointments and errands.

Grocery & Meal Preparation

Don’t worry about you meal preparation, our caregivers will prepare nutritious and healthy meals for you to promote your health.


Taking care of your housekeeping can be daunting if your mobility is an issue.  Our caregivers are here to help keep your house clean and neat.

Referral Services

There are services that we don’t provide, and for those services we work with other organizations that can help.

Exercise & Physical Activity

Staying young in the heart is most important. But with age comes less mobility. Our exercise routines are light and very effective

Career Re-training

There is never a dull moment.  Don’t ever think you’re done, we have programs that will retrain you in a career.

How Can We Help?

Get a hold of us

How can we help?

12 + 4 =


(855) 500-0150